Line: Water
The first machine that technologically recreates spring and mineral water, molecularly restructuring it to stabilize hydrogen nano bubbles up to 5 ppm for more than a year.
Currently, we have developed four versions of the machine for different sectors, hotels and restaurants.
Technology Capability:
. Uptake of water through the atmosphere.
. Purification.
. Added hydrogen.
. Our technology: Patented.
. Our content: A scientifically designed and developed nutritional table and molecular content.
. Our social and environmental sense: The human being needs to take care of his body and the planet, Vik-sha is the answer to that need.
Environmental efficiency:
. Derived product: Ügua.
Line: Fire.
It challenges what is known and brings us back to Nikola Tesla as a pillar in the energy transition, providing the development framework to propose the scientific and technological structure that gives rise to our Nikki Energy technology.
Technology Capability:
The patent allows the generation of green hydrogen without additional or complementary energy sources, in addition to transforming hydrogen into electrical energy.
Patent Impact:
Nikki is a new player in the world energy matrix with a more competitive cost product, we know that hydrogen is the Rock Star of the energy transition and with Nikki energy we are part of the world change.
Line: Earth.
Technology Capability:
By improving the quality of the soil, reducing production costs, restoring the water cycle, thus providing a solution to climate change.
80% less use of water for cultivation.
70% less fertilizers and pesticides.
Patent Impact:
H2Gaia allows increasing agricultural productivity and restoring the nutritional values of the cultivated products, reducing the required amount of water for crops and increasing their production and restoring the cycle of the water.
Line: Earth.
Lowering the production costs of this important transporting agent, our patent and technology promise to reduce the production cost by 50% to democratize its use.
Technology Capability:
A revolutionary material that has an impact on medicine and nanotechnology.
Special interest in fuel cells.
Patent Impact:
Democratizing the production of this revolutionary transport and driving material will allow its application in the efficient solution of current transport and driving problems in different sectors such as medicine and energy.
Line: Air.
Celular: 300 000 0000
Teléfono: (+00) 6 00 0000
Dirección: Transversal 56a #103b – 45
Calle 135 #52a-55